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Diversity In the Workplace

As iWill Enterprise prepares for the New Year, they took some time to look back on all the things they are grateful for. One of those things was the opportunity to be a diverse work environment. The United States has long been considered the “melting pot” of the world because of the various different races, cultures, and ethnicities that coexist in our society. Today, our country is more diverse than ever before and being that our business is located in Louisville Kentucky, we are exposed to a haven of ethnic diversity. Here at iWill Enterprise Inc we believe that diversity in the workplace is not only important, but is very beneficial for both our employees and our business.

“Workplace diversity can make organizations more productive and profitable. Among the advantages of diversity in the workplace are better problem solving, higher productivity, better employee relations, new language skills, better client insight, and new processes. Diversity and inclusion are vital aspects of iWill Enterprise because each person contributes uniquely valuable strengths to their positions that help everyone thrive together”
-Will Smith, CEO for iWill Enterprise Inc

Diversity in the workplace allows for everyone to be represented equally without feeling out of place. It’s important that our workplaces have diversity because our country is becoming increasingly diverse culturally, racially, and ethnically and this should be represented in our companies and businesses. But diversity in the workplace provides more than just representation, it can actually provide several benefits. First, a diverse set of employees can increase overall productivity in the workplace. Diversity brings a pool of different talents, viewpoints, and experiences together, all working toward a common goal within the company. This allows for everyone to learn from each other and apply their new-found knowledge to their work. Second, diversity in the workplace can increase creativity among teams. Diversity in teams allows for many different viewpoints and perspectives to come together to create a variety of solutions to specific problems. According to Forbes, “Research on creativity and innovation has been consistent in showing the value of exposing individuals to experiences with multiple perspectives and worldviews. It is the combination of these various perspectives in novel ways that result in new ideas popping up”. Another benefit of diversity in the workplace is that it can improve engagement among employees. Since employees come from different backgrounds and cultures, they can learn about each other’s lifestyles and cultures from each other. Employees can share their different experiences with each other, connecting on a personal level and building a trusting relationship. Lastly, diversity in the workplace creates a positive reputation of your company. Companies who recruit and encourage a diverse set of employees generally develop a reputation as a good employer. Many consumers give more business to companies that encourage diversity in the workplace. Furthermore, a diverse set of skills and viewpoints allows for a company to connect to customers on a global level and for some, even on a personal level. 

It goes without saying that a diverse workplace is one of equality. In a diverse work setting, every employee feels valued and their voice is heard. Everyone is fairly represented, as well as exposed daily to people with cultural backgrounds that they are often never exposed to. As a result, employees gain insights into new cultures and backgrounds. This has been proven to in turn, reduce racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. We are proud to have such a diverse workforce here at iWill Enterprise Inc. Each member of our team brings a great deal of benefits to our company through their diverse experiences, skill sets and world views, which is the recipe for a great team!

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